Mr. D bandai cha Nepal song lyrics in Nepali & English

Mr. D Bandai cha Nepal Song Lyrics

Below is the lyrics of  Mr. D Khadi song Lyrics in Nepali, English along with the English translation of Mr. D Khadi song. There is also the lyrical video as well as the official video of  Mr. D Khadi song
mr d bandai cha nepal song lyrics
mr d bandai cha nepal song lyrics

Song Details

Mr.D -  Bandai Cha Nepal (बन्दै छ नेपाल ) | Official Music Video 2018 |
Lyric - Sandip bista aka mr.d
Director - Suraj Dahal
Camera Man - John Pahadi
Edit - Sumanz Tamang
Record Label -  NMI PRODUCTION
Mixing / Mastering - Sumanz Tamang
Post Production - NMI PRODUCTION

Mr. D Khadi song lyrics in English

Naya nepal aayo aayo
Ghanta ko aayo
Kati ragat andolanle janatako khayo
Raja saja hatayera goru haru lyayo
Ani sambidhan banyera naka bandi chhayo
Mantri jiu tapai bharat janus
Modi jiule hageko pachak khanus
Paani jamin bechunu bho
Bechanko lagi aba aakash lanus
Ani khadima nepali lina bakas lanus
Nepali bhanda indian besi nepaliko factory ma
Nepaliko pasina chahi khadiko plastic ma
Berojgar nepali chahi pidit chan gastric ma
Mantri bani dinchan yaha fail bhayera matric ma
Tatics ma lyiyeko ekais satabdi yaha
Sab jana ghus khori painna bhaladmi yaha
Ghus nakhai paine jagir yaha driver khalasi
Petrol lina ni line lagne
Batti ko pisa tirna line lagne
Hospital ma line lagne
Dinma pachas choti jati lin ekatne
Ani line aauna char pancha ghanta time lagne
Kun din bachcha ni line lagi janmancha
(Nepaliko line sang amajbut cha sambandha)x2
(Bandai cha nepal bandai cha nepal
Banda bhako bela ma ni chaldai cha nepal
Bandai cha nepal bandai cha nepal
Hawa huri gufaima chaldai cha nepal)x2

Hami goru jasto janata ni ekdum birami
Chunab na aaunjel dinchau neta harulai gaali
Ani chuban aaye pachi hidchau party chani chani
Vote bechi dinchau hami masu bhatko lagi
Aja Emale ra congress ma masu bhat khuwaucha re
Maobadima hid sala petrol ni paucha re
Yasto yasto nepalile naya nepal lyau cha re
Thukka nepali Dimagma dhido cha
Bideshko bato safa ani chillo cha
Nepalko bato ma dhan ropna mildo cha
Rajdhani jasto thauma charai tirta hilo cha
Dhilo cha kaam dhilo cha
Jasari ni budget lai adkayo
Dui barshma road banai sakayo
Feri naali khanna tei road lai bhatkayo
Ani yasari nai budget lai padkayo
Policeko kaam ke cha hapkayo
Sarbajanik kesh halchu bhani tharkayo
Hamro trafic busy chit katdai
Licence nabhako sanga bhikh magdai
Ani hospital le din dinai manche mardai
Birami nabhako lai ni ghaite pardai
Sano tino birami ta rakhne nai thau chaina
Hospital t acha tara doctor nai aaudaina
(Bandai cha nepal bandai cha nepal
Banda bhako bela ma ni chaldai cha nepal
Bandai cha nepal bandai cha nepal
Hawa huri gufaima chaldai cha nepal)x3

Mr. D Khadi song lyrical Video

Mr. D Khadi song lyrics in Nepali

Here you can find the lyrics of  Mr. D Khadi song  in Nepali font. 

नया नेपाल आयो आयो 
घन्टाको आयो 
कति रगत आन्दोलनले जनताको खायो 
राजा साजा हटाएर गोरूहरु ल्यायो 
अनि संबिधान बनाएर नाका बंदी छायो 
मंत्री जिऊ तपाई भारत जानुस 
मोदी ज्यूले हगेको पाचक खानुस 
पानी जमीन बेचनु भो 
बेचनको लागि अब आकाश लानुस 
अनि खाड़ीमा नेपाली लिन बाकस लानुस 
नेपाली भन्दा इंडियन बेसी नेपालीको फैक्ट्री मा 
नेपालीको पसीना चाही खाडीको प्लास्टिक मा 
बेरोगार नेपाली चाही पिडित छन गैस्ट्रिक मा 
मंत्री बनी दिन्छन यहाँ फ़ैल भएर मेट्रिक मा 
टटिक्स मा लिएको एक्काइस शताब्दी यहाँ 
सब जना घुस खोरी पाइन्न भलादमी यहा 
घुस नखाई पाइने जागीर ड्राइवर खलासी 
पेट्रोल लिन नि लाइन लागने 
बत्तीको पैसा तिर्न लाइन लगने 
दिनमा पच्चास चोटी जति लीन एकतने 
अनि लाइन आउन ४ ५ घण्टा टाइम लागने 
कुन दिन बच्चा नी लाइन लागि जन्मन्छ 

(नेपालीको लाइन सँग अमजबुत छ सम्बन्ध )2 
बन्दै छ नेपाल बन्दै छ नेपाल 
बंद भको बेला मा नि चल्दै छ नेपाल 
बंदे छ नेपाल बन्दै छ नेपाल 
बावा हुरी गुफाईमा चल्दै छ नेपाल ) 2 

हामी गोरु जस्तो जनता नि एकदम बिरामी 
चुनाब न आउन्जेल दिन्छौ नेता हरुलाई गाली 
अनि चुनाब आए पछि हिड्छौ पार्टी छानी छानी 
भोट बेचीं दिन्छौ हामी मासु भातको लागि 
आज एमाले र कांग्रेस म मासु भात खुवाउछ रे 
माओबादीमा हिड साला पेट्रोल नि पाउछ रे 
एस्तो एस्तो नेपालीले नया नेपाल ल्याउ छ रे 
थुक्क नेपाली दिमागमा ढिडो छ 
बिदेशको बांटो साफा अनि चिल्लो छ 
नेपालको बाटो मा धान रोपन मिल्दो छ 
राजधानी जस्तो ठाउँमा चारै तिर हिलो छ 
ढिलो छ काम ढिलो छ 
जसरी नि बजेट लाई अड़कायो 
दुई बर्षमा रोड बनाई सकायो 
फेरी नाली खनन तेइ रोडलाई भत्कायो 
अनि यसरी नै बजेट लाई पड़कायो 
पुलिसको काम के छ हपकायो सार्बजनिक केश हाल्छु भनी थर्कायो 
हाम्रो ट्राफिक बिजी चिट काट्दै 
लाइसेंस नभाको सँग भीख माग्दै 
अनि हॉस्पिटल ले दिन दिनै मान्छे मर्दै 
बिरामी नभाको लाए नि घाइते पर्दै 
सानो तीनो बिरामी त राखने नै ठाउँ छैन 
हॉस्पिटल त छ तर डॉक्टर नै आउदैन 

बन्दै छ नेपाल बन्दै छ नेपाल 
बंद भको बेला मा नि चल्दै छ नेपाल 
बंदे छ नेपाल बन्दै छ नेपाल 
बावा हुरी गुफाईमा चल्दै छ नेपाल ) 3  

Mr. D Khadi song official video

Mr. D Khadi song lyrics in English Translation

Here you can find out the lyrics of  Mr. D Khadi Song Lyrics into English translation of the each words of the lyrics so you can know the English meaning of the lyrics too. 

New Nepal has come
The hour has come
How much blood movement ate people?
The king removed the decoration and brought the oxen
And the constitution was banned by the constitution
Minister Ji you go to India
Eat the digestive tract of Modi jule
Sell ​​Water Land
Take the sky for sale now
And take the box to take Nepali to the bay
Indian base than Nepali in Nepali factory
Nepali sweat tea on the plastic of the bay
Unemployed Nepali tea suffers in gastric
The minister is here to fill in the metrics
Twenty-first century on tattoos here
Not everyone got a bribe
Unmanned Jaguar driver
Free line for petrol
Line of payment for light money
About fifty times a day
And the line will take 19 hours to arrive
Which day the baby is born for the Ni line

(Nepali line has a wonderful relationship)
Closing Nepal is closing Nepal
Nepal is shutting down while it is closed
Closed Nepal is closing Nepal
Bawa Hurri is walking in a cave in Nepal) 2

We, like cattle, are very sick
You scold the leaders until the elections come
And after the election comes, we move the party
We sell votes for meat rice
Today, in the UML and the Congress, I eat meat rice
In the Maoists, they get petrol
Esto Nepali has brought a new Nepal
Some Nepalese are slow in mind
The distribution abroad is clear and smooth
Paddy planting is compatible on the way to Nepal
There is mud all around the place like a capital
Work is slow it's late
Just as the budget was stuck
In two years the road was completed
Mining Tee Road again collapses
And so did the budget
The police's job is to reprimand the public for harassing them
Cutting off our traffic
Begging with license
And people are dying every day from the hospital
He was injured due to ill health
There is no place to put all three sick
The hospital is there but the doctor does not come

Closing Nepal is closing Nepal
Nepal is shutting down while it is closed
Closed Nepal is closing Nepal
Bawa Hurri is running in a cave in Nepal) 3

mr d bandai cha nepal song lyrics
mr d bandai cha nepal song lyrics
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